‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the yard,
The pools were all covered, with Dave standing guard.
The covers were snug, tied down with care,
In hopes that no reindeer would happen to tear.

The team worked so quickly on this Christmas Eve,
To make it more likely the reindeer would leave.
With chemicals balanced, no algae in sight,
They were happy to keep pools sparkling and bright.
But up in the sky, what on earth did they spy?
A sleigh and eight reindeer appeared in the sky.
“Not again!” cried the team, as they watched in dismay,
“Will they land by the pool? We must keep them away!”

With nets at the ready and pool covers tight,
The Hastings’ crew prepped for a long winter’s night.
But Santa called out, “Don’t you worry, my friends,
Your pool-perfect magic is a joy that won’t end!”
The reindeer just hovered, taking a peek,
At shimmering pools with their covers so sleek.
With his nose shining brightly, Rudolph said with glee,
“Let’s finish our work and make all the kids happy!”

So, Santa departed, his heart full of cheer,
“Thank you, my friends, you saved Christmas this year!
With no splashes, no trouble, no hoofprints to dread,
I can focus on toys and what lies ahead.”
The crew felt relief, their work now was done,
And they wished Merry Christmas to all and each one!
From the pools to the homes, let joy overflow,
With our team on the job, the holidays glow.

Wishing you and your family a safe, healthy and very Merry Christmas from all of us at Hastings Water Works!