Spring is a great time to be a part of the Hastings Water Works team. With every hint that the weather is warming up – snow melting, warmer breezes, days when temperatures reach the 50s and 60s – people start thinking about warm-weather fun. By the time we all start packing away the winter coats and boots for the year, there is palpable excitement in the air.
We’re already starting to book pool openings for residential and commercial clients. If you have not yet scheduled your opening, it’s a great time to get in touch.
This is also the time of year we start seeing familiar faces and new ones as we hire seasonal lifeguards.
If you’re interested in applying for a lifeguard position with Hastings Water Works – or know someone who is –applications are now open
Time to Schedule Your Spring Residential Pool Opening

If you’re a residential pool owner in Northeast Ohio, you know that spring fever hits long before spring does. But, finally, it’s time to schedule your residential pool opening. Knowing when to open your pool is a bit unpredictable with Ohio weather, but it’s better to open early and take advantage of those early warmer-than-expected spring days than miss the chance with a delayed opening.